CoinMarketCap Information:
CoinMarketCap (CMC) is the world’s most-referenced price-tracking website. It is extremely important for the health of the Raider Token project that we get listed on CMC again. These bounties are an attempt to reinvigorate and revitalize the process of getting Raider Token listed.
Nobody knows how to get listed on CoinMarketCap. Lots of people have theories about how to do it. Many people also try to sell services promising to get a token listed in 24 to 48 hours, but those are just scams to be avoided.
My uneducated theory is that the token has to show lots of buys, sells, and trades. There has to be something that makes the token stand out. The token also has to be one that will drive traffic to CMC. CoinMarketCap needs to sell their services and make money. Having lots of dead tokens on the CMC platform is not a good business model for them. Therefore, a community must be active and alive to get listed on CoinMarketCap.
Bounty Summary: (Not yet active)
- Bounty: 500 RAIDR
- This is an EVERGREEN bounty.
- You can complete this bounty once every 7 DAYS.
- Sign-up for this bounty by making a comment on this page.
- Be sure to follow all the steps to qualify.
Complete the following tasks.
- Create a Rewards account if you do not have one.
- Create a CoinMarketCap Account if you do not have one.
- Make a screenshot of your diamonds.
To complete the bounty you must perfom the following tasks for seven days in a row.
- Make an IMAGE POST with a properly formatted link to
- Make a comment on another Raider Token community member’s post.
- Collect a diamond.
To properly complete the bounty, you will need to successfully collect diamonds 7 days in a row ending with the +50 diamond.

- Publish your links and screenshots on a page in your account.
Notify us in the telegram group.