Upcoming Raid Rewards Articles

This is an unofficial list of possible articles that I would like to write or record. I like to brainstorm live. As a community project, anybody has the right to make content. If you make a video, let me know. I will either link to your channel or add your video to the Raider Token Crypto channel.

This list might work best as a FAQ. If you have anything that you would like me to write about, please make a comment. I’ll add all good suggestions to the list.

Raid R Suggestion List

The Roadmap

How to make money with Raider Rewards (in Progress)

Instant Payout -vs- Monthly Payout

Paying-off the Blockblend Debt

Content Creators: Becoming an Influencer

End Goal of Raid Rewards (RaidR)

What’s RaidZ?

What is the Raider Token Foundation?

What is the Raider Token Market Place?

Why not do a Raider Token burn?

Why the second token? Why not give Raider Token away?

What are the Raider Rewards tokenomics?

Why is Raider Token hostile toward other cryptocurrency projects?

What is the r/Rugpull Subreddit?

Bounty #1 CoinMarketCap


CoinMarketCap (CMC) is the world’s most-referenced price-tracking website. Raider Token was listed on CoinMarketCap eight days after the project launched in March 2022. Unfortunately, we were a new community and not prepared for the chaos that happened directly after the CMC listing. Unfortunately now, over a year later, Raider Token is no longer listed on CMC.

An active Raider Token community on CoinMarketCap would be beneficial to the Raider Token project. The benefits are two-fold.

  1. Raider Token might get listed on CMC again.
  2. Raider Token would get the SEO benefits by being backlinked from CMC

Bounty: 500 RAIDR

(Not yet active)

Complete the following tasks.

Sign-up for the Raid by making a comment on this page.

  1. Create a CoinMarketCap account
  2. Add a picture to your profile
  3. Add a Raider Token themed background picture to your profile page
  4. Make 5 Posts with properly formatted links to https://RaiderToken.org
  5. Make quality comments and like other Raider Token community member posts (5 minimum)
  6. Follow everyone followed by @RaiderToken
  7. Publish a page in your RaiderToken.com account with links to your 5 posts and 5 comments.

Notify us in the telegram group.